Alphabet Cut-Outs

Bund­le of 450+ sepa­ra­te let­ters, num­bers and sym­bols – hand­pi­cked and ‑cut from a varie­ty of vin­ta­ge maga­zi­nes. Lots of varia­ti­ons for each let­ter and num­ber, scan­ned indi­vi­du­al­ly and tur­ned into trans­pa­rent back­ground .PNG files.

FieldsGra­phic Design · Com­mer­cia­liza­ti­on
ToolsScis­sors and a Scan­ner · Ado­be Pho­to­shop
Loa­ding Pre­view…
Alphabet Cut-Outs (Work in Progress)

Featured in

A Love Let­ter to Pop Punk – Poly­pho­nic, 18 Sept 2021. – Cali­for­nia Wed­ding Pho­to­grapher
Quin Parell! – Theat­re pie­ce based on the play ‘The Odd Cou­ple’ by Neil Simon, May 2022.