Tag: Editing

  • Test

    “Gezähl­te Tage: Als John Len­non sei­ne See­le ver­kauf­te” ist ein fas­zi­nie­ren­des Buch, das sich mit einem fik­ti­ven Sze­na­rio rund um das Leben von John Len­non aus­ein­an­der­setzt. Der Autor ent­führt die Leser auf eine lite­ra­ri­sche Rei­se, in der er die Gren­zen zwi­schen Rea­li­tät und Fan­ta­sie ver­wischt. Das Buch erforscht die Idee, dass Len­non einen Pakt mit…

  • Alphabet Cut-Outs

    Alphabet Cut-Outs

    Bund­le of 450+ sepa­ra­te let­ters, num­bers and sym­bols – hand­pi­cked and ‑cut from a varie­ty of vin­ta­ge maga­zi­nes. Lots of varia­ti­ons for each let­ter and num­ber, scan­ned indi­vi­du­al­ly and tur­ned into trans­pa­rent back­ground .PNG files. Year 2020 Fields Gra­phic Design · Com­mer­cia­liza­ti­on Tools Scis­sors and a Scan­ner · Ado­be Pho­to­shop Purcha­se creativemarket.com/cocoloris Try 26-letters.zip Loa­ding…

  • Instant Film Frames

    Instant Film Frames

    9 easy-to-use mock­ups for Ado­be Pho­to­shop. High­ly detail­ed instant film frames, scan­ned and tur­ned into trans­pa­rent back­ground .PSD files. Sim­ply place your pho­to abo­ve the lay­er labe­led Pla­ce­hol­der – save… – and you’­re done!​​​​​​​ Year 2021 Fields Gra­phic Design · Com­mer­cia­liza­ti­on Tools Scan­ner · Ado­be Pho­to­shop Link creativemarket.com/cocoloris Loa­ding Pre­view…

  • 1,000 Gradients

    1,000 Gradients

    The­se ten coll­ec­tions con­sists of a total of 1,000 gra­di­ent back­ground tex­tures (5000 × 5000 px · 300 DPI · Grain ver­si­ons included). The bund­le is per­fect if you’d like to crea­te social media posts, sto­ries, pos­ters, ban­ners, or other web- and print designs in a con­sis­tent style. Year 2022 Field Gra­phic Design · Com­mer­cia­liza­ti­on…

  • Guess the Song

    Guess the Song

    Can you guess songs from your favo­ri­te bands given only a 1‑second audio sam­ple? Over 30 vide­os, each with 15 songs that have to be gues­sed from cura­ted one-second sound samples. You’ll get three seconds befo­re the ans­wer is shown. Includes, among others: The Beat­les, Pink Floyd, Radio­head, The Vel­vet Under­ground, Kate Bush, Bob Dylan,…

  • 50 All-Time Favorite Albums,  as of 2021

    50 All-Time Favorite Albums, as of 2021

    What makes a favo­ri­te album? I find that a lot of albums I con­sider to be my favo­ri­tes acted as gate­ways to new gen­res that I other­wi­se would­n’t have explo­red. A favo­ri­te album can be thrown on at any time and enjoy­ed all the way through. Some albums earn a spot on my list not…