Tag: Coding

  • Test

    “Gezähl­te Tage: Als John Len­non sei­ne See­le ver­kauf­te” ist ein fas­zi­nie­ren­des Buch, das sich mit einem fik­ti­ven Sze­na­rio rund um das Leben von John Len­non aus­ein­an­der­setzt. Der Autor ent­führt die Leser auf eine lite­ra­ri­sche Rei­se, in der er die Gren­zen zwi­schen Rea­li­tät und Fan­ta­sie ver­wischt. Das Buch erforscht die Idee, dass Len­non einen Pakt mit…

  • Text Effects

    Text Effects

    Just dou­ble-click one of the Smart Object lay­ers labe­led Your Text, type in wha­te­ver you like, save, …and you’­re done! Year 2022 Fields Gra­phic Design · Com­mer­cia­liza­ti­on Tools Ado­be Pho­to­shop Link creativemarket.com/cocoloris Loa­ding Pre­view… Loa­ding Pre­view… Loa­ding Pre­view…

  • Album Covers for Hamilton

    Album Covers for Hamilton

    I was always fasci­na­ted with album art­work and alre­a­dy had some imagery in my head when I first lis­ten­ed to the ori­gi­nal cast album of Hamil­ton. Sin­ce the­re are so many his­to­ri­cal art­works in the public domain, it was rela­tively easy to find mate­ri­al I could work with. This is what came out of it.…

  • 30 Days of 3D Modeling

    In-depth description of the progress I made over one month of 3D modeling with Blender.

  • Animated Hamilton

    Animated Hamilton

    Recrea­ti­on of a spe­ci­fic sce­ne from the Hamil­ton song Hur­ri­ca­ne. Unfort­u­na­te­ly I could only find blue­prints of the Richard Rod­gers theat­re stage, whe­re the musi­cal pre­mie­red, not of the Hamil­ton set its­elf. So I had to use refe­rence images and model every asset by sen­se of pro­por­ti­on. Year 2020 Fields 3D Mode­ling · Ani­ma­ti­on Tools…

  • Nostromo


    For the model­ling of the space­ship Nostro­mo from Rid­ley Scot­t’s 1979 film Ali­en I used offi­ci­al blue­prints, refe­rence images and added my own ide­as in a cou­ple of places. I based the sce­ne of my final ren­der on a screen cap­tu­re from the ori­gi­nal film. Year 2020 Field 3D Mode­ling Tools Blen­der

  • 3D Room

    3D Room

    After com­ple­ting a few cour­ses online, this is one of my first major self initia­ted 3D pro­jects. I used plans, mea­su­red and model­led object after object to recrea­te an enti­re room in Blen­der, so it looks exact­ly to sca­le. Initi­al­ly I plan­ned on adding mate­ri­als when I was finis­hed with model­ling, but I’m actual­ly quite satis­fied…